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We offer our customers the best quality of cumin seed at the best price.

Do’ worry about the quality of the cumin seeds as we are a well-known cumin seed trader and exporter in India.


SCIENTIFIC NAMECuminum cyminum
PROCESSMachine Clean, Shortex

Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum that is commonly grown in India and China. It is a member of the parsley family that is also called JEERA in India. It is a boat-shaped, ridged, and brownish green or yellow-brown in color that possesses uncountable health benefits. It is used in pickles, curries, pastries as well as other foods.


AppearanceBoat or Oblong Shaped Seeds
ColorYellow-Brown or Brownish Green
TasteEarthly, aromatic and warming aroma

Cumin seed is powerful antioxidants with a good amount of daily nutrition. Many health benefits of Cumin Seed are described in Ayurveda like it controls sugar and cholesterol level as well as helps in weight loss. Even in medical science it is proved it has anti cancerous properties.


PurityMinimum 99% to 99.50%
MoistureMaximum 10.00%
Volatile Oil content2.5% to 4.5%

 Cumin Seed contains dietary fibers, fat, vitamin C and vitamin E. it also possess iron, magnesium and manganese.


E-ColiAbsent (greater than MPN/grams)
SalmonellaAbsent in twenty five grams